This report from the Innovation for Justice Program at the University of Arizona evaluates Utah's Online Dispute Resolution ("ODR") platform to examine the usability of the platform as well as the affidavit and summons process. Utah's platform is being used for small claims cases, the vast majority of which are debt claims. The platform was evaluated using a multi-phase testing process. The first phase of testing utilized the existing platform as a baseline and the second phase of testing utilized a redesigned prototype platform. Between the baseline platform testing and prototype design and testing, the research team conducted three design workshops with representative users to collect community input on the prototype design.
During the evaluation process, the research team identified several serious issues that pointed to the need for better design, more information and greater functionality in order for litigants to be able to confidently pursue their case from beginning to end. Based on the cumulative finding from all tests and workshops, the research team made five recommendations to better align the platform to the needs of its users and to facilitate a more successful ODR experience. The recommendations were to (1) ease the transition from paper to the platform, (2) streamline the registrant process, (3) simplify document sharing and review, (4) improve ODR information and Help sections, and (5) clarify legal information and user options. Finally, the research team also included recommendations for further study.