This report report discusses implicit bias and explores three different education and training programs on implicit bias provided by courts in California, Minnesota, and North Dakota for their judges and court staff. The report examines each of the courts' strategies, provides the training materials each court used and discusses the outcomes/participant satisfaction with each program. California's program focused on the science of implicit bias and provided an overview of strategies to mitigate implicit bias. Minnesota's program focused on having participants explore implicit bias, its potential effect on fairness in courts, and possible methods to address implicit bias. Finally, North Dakota's program discussed implicit bias, how individuals relate to each other through associations, and challenged prejudicial behavior. The report concludes with lessons learned from the three programs and contains a variety of other information on implicit bias including research, a list of answers to frequently asked questions, and provides a collection of the resources used in the California, Minnesota, and North Dakota programs.
Helping Courts Address Implicit Bias
National Center for State Courts. Jan. 1, 2012